À propos

Un blog de plus ? Sans doute.
L’envie était là depuis longtemps. Restaient à trouver la motivation, la disponibilité, le besoin d’un espace d’expression. Je parlerai surtout d’Ubuntu, la distribution Linux que j’utilise au quotidien. De choses plus personnelles ? Sais pas. Que sera sera …

Yet another blog ? No doubt ;-)
I really wanted to blog for a long time. I had to find some time, some ideas, and the need to have some space to express myself. I’ll mainly talk about Ubuntu, the Linux distribution I use everyday, and may be some more personal things. We’ll see …

Une Réponse to “À propos”

  1. dthomasdigital Says:

    I wanted to let you know this information.

    I just got an email from word press tech support and they say the feed to be using should be this one.


    I’m pretty sure that is not what I originally sent to set up my feed so they must have changed something.

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